No "things" for you to do; just a thought to ponder.
Dropping in to wish you a happy NYE! This year has been radically different for everyone but whether your year has been challenging or you've been thriving, I hope you were able to reflect and think more deeply on what it is you want in 2021 and beyond.
2020 might have felt like an ETERNITY but remember: it's a only small moment in what will end up being the long game for you, your life, and your vision. You. Got. This.
Normally end of year tools are helpful but instead of emailing you with things about vision boards, resolutions, challenges and all of that, I have one thought for you to ponder or journal on with or without your champagne today:
'Are my actions on a daily basis aligned with the vision I see for myself, of myself and how I want to feel? And if not, what small things can I do to change that in 2021?'
When everything seems like it's out of control (hi, 2020!) remember to focus on what you can control. And that's you.
It's not about radical changes and resolutions we ultimately won't keep. It's being honest with how we're spending our time, how we feel, and being mindful of that on a daily basis.
As long as you're keeping your eye on the ultimate vision you have for your life, even if it's just your "right now" vision until you figure that out, you can take small steps in that direction every day! If you have a friend who is stuck or doesn't feel like they're doing enough planning for 2021, FWD them this email and help take the pressure off.
Now go forth, blast some music and have an at home dance party. Or, just chill out with snacks and pajamas like I plan to. :)
Cheers to 2021 and SEE YA NEXT YEAR.
The PermissionLESS email and podcast is 1 part inspiration, 2 parts sharing ways to take massive action in business & creativity, and all parts curiosity about growth, life and the universe. I love to chat with readers - hit reply and empty your mind into an email. I'm here for it. 🙌🏼